Keep in mind the "one letter five numbers" code was used for all Zeiss-Ikon cameras (not only for Contax) so these codes do not indicate total Contax production.
Serial Numbers for Contax I
T 1931/32
U 1932/33
V 1933/34
X 1934
Y 1934/35
Z 1935/36
A 1936
An extra letter, before or after the serial block letter, indicates the camera was sent back to the camera for repair. Contax I's WITHOUT a 2nd repair letter code are very hard to find!
Serial Numbers for Contax II e III
Z 1935/36
A 1936
B 1936
C 10001 - 15000 1936
C 87001 - 90000 1937
D 1937
E 1937
F 41001 - 46000 1937
F 72401 - 77400 1938
G 1938
J 1938/39
K 1939
L 1939
M 1940/41
N 1941/43
O 1943
The production of Contax II ended with O 65500 in 1943
Che piacere inaspettato scoprire questo sito con una scelta tanto significativa quanto intelligente di temi a 360° sulla Fotografia.
RispondiEliminaOrmai 50 anni fà, un nostro collega mi ricordò ridendo maliziosamente e giocando sul doppio senso del verbo :" Le Droit mène à tout, ... à condition de s'en sortir..." Auguroni per entrambe le direzioni
I have Contax V23××× which has PC sync
RispondiEliminaI have a Contax back with SN A75033 if anyone interested to complete a body and a Contax II 1936 B19264.